About Me

Hello! I’m Jessica. I live in Arizona with my wonderful husband and two awesome little boys.  I learned to crochet and knit at a young age from my grammy.  I pick it up again as an adult in late 2014 when I decided to crochet a hat for a gift exchange.  This led to a blanket, then a baby blanket, then a knit stocking and after that I just kept crocheting and knitting more things. I like to create things and enjoy seeing a project come together into a finished piece. 

Before I had kids, I worked as an engineer.  Designing patterns fulfills my desire for technical creation.  I like the challenge of iterating and refining a design. When I get stuck, it is helpful for me to write out requirements to focus on what I am trying to achieve with the design.  I find it satisfying to get out a scale and spreadsheets and make calculations.  Writing the patterns is a bit like programing and changes the idea from a prototype that only I made into something others can make too.  Seeing what other people have made using my patterns brings me great joy.

A complete list of all my patterns can be found here and snowflakes here.

….. 2015, working on my first crocheted blanket …….